(detoxes detoxing detoxed)
Detox is treatment given to people who are addicted to drugs or alcohol in order to stop them from being addicted.
A patient going through acute detox will have an assigned nurse nearby.
...a detox therapist.
N-UNCOUNT: oft N n
A detox is a treatment that is intended to remove poisonous or harmful substances from your body.
Overhaul your body with a cleansing detox...
Give yourself a healthy glow on our detox diet.
N-COUNT: oft N n
If someone who is addicted to drugs or alcohol detoxes, or if another person detoxes them, they undergo treatment which stops them from being addicted.
...mums trying to detox their kids.
...drugs binges and failed attempts to detox.
VERB: V n, V
If you detox, or if something detoxes your body, you do something to remove poisonous or harmful substances from your body.
It might be an idea to detox after the indulgences of Christmas...
Honey can help to detox the body.
VERB: V, V n